Kakonis, Tom Double Down (1991)
Kakonis, Tom Michigan Roll (1988)
Kakonis, Tom Shadow Counter (1993)
Kent, Bill Down by the Sea (1993)
Kent, Bill On a Blanket with my Baby (1995) Atlantic City NJ
Kent, Bill Under the Boardwalk (1989)
Knief, Charles Sand Dollars (1998) San Diego CA
Parker, Barbara Blood Relations (1996)
Parker, Barbara Suspicion of Deceit (1998)
Parker, Barbara Suspicion of Guilt (1995)
Parker, Barbara Suspicion of Innocence (1994)
Rubino, Jane Cheat the Devil (1998)
Rubino, Jane Death of a DJ (1996)
Rubino, Jane Fruitcake (1997)
Rubino, Jane Plot Twist (2000)
Sanders, Lawrence McNally's Caper (1994)
Sanders, Lawrence McNally's Gamble
Sanders, Lawrence McNally's Luck (1992)
Sanders, Lawrence McNally's Puzzle (1996)
Sanders, Lawrence McNally's Risk (1993)
Sanders, Lawrence McNally's Secret (1992)
Sanders, Lawrence McNally's Trial (1995)
Sullivan, Winona Dead South
Sullivan, Winona Death's a Beach